
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The funniest truth of Life!!

             Well i am really surprised by how much a movie or a story or an act can leave it's impact upon us.I mean how it can change your thinking or behavior or the way you look.Not forever but till the time you switch to next one. Like a chameleon ( but there 's a sort of positivity,obviously).

I do remember when me and my friends saw Twilight (the movie).One of my friends was really impressed by the character Bella. Next day i could see the change in her behavior .Speaking at least, needing isolation , weird accent and all the other crap that Bella used to do. Another friend of mine was taken over by the hero of the movie Edward Cullen & his faithful love for Bella.  And now she was in search of such an archetype!!!!

 I mean its incredible that how a film running faster than your eyes' persistence can play with your emotions or can influence your life so deeply.At max it can give a new direction to your life. 

Recently i saw Rajneeti (with the same group).And guess what, the same friend who liked Bella now was influenced by Samar(Ranbeer). Engrossing his attitude,started lying down in contemplation.I don't know thinking what politics(well it felt this one was pretty risky to watch).
And the other one liked Indu(Katrina). OMG!!!!! now she was really getting on nerves!!as she started replacing "Hum" in place of "Main".It undoubtedly made me doubt about my company's IQ and ultimately mine(IQ) Are they really my friends!!!!!!!?????????

OK!! fine now it was even my time to prepare the dish. I saw Tare Zameen Par and what i learned were the excuses for not getting good scores in academics!!!
 "Mom i think i am not made for this Engineering stuff. I am an artist .Can't you see! I can write , guitar ,paint ,sketch and what not.But this engineering i can't understand it's objective!!I don't find my future here mom. And that's why i can't get good marks."
"Mom i think Inu's story is mine!"
 Obviously , it could not move the slightest of my mom's ear drums!!

And all this just  lasted till i saw Blood Diamond (Leonardo Di Caprio's best work), where i started wishing to be a soldier with lust for money and smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Well, i don't know how does this magic works .It's just a mode of entertainment  . We get foolishly involved & we don't even come to know that how much we fallen into it!! 

My motive was never to teach any morals out of it.It's just an observation , a funny part of life which can be laughed upon and put aside.
It occurs with everyone (even the most mature of thier age)at least once in life!!
So all i would say keep on with it but don't loose your wit!!

Note:  thnx for reading it!! but dont forget to put your remarks and share your experience here with your comment!!tell me if something similar occured with u even!???:) god bless

Friday, April 23, 2010

When it Lacks!!!

Alchemist (the ultimate book by Paulo Coelho), says that if u have that dream that desire each and every notch of this world will help u to achieve your destination.
You will learn at each and every step of your life,but just u need is the word called "observation".
Look around what's going on in your life!!!!
Noting is good ,nothing is bad.
Everything is a Lesson!!!!
Have that courage to call it a lesson!!!!
It affects u, u react!!!!!!
You will be an achiever if u let that reaction last for a period as small as possible.
How to live life such focussed????
My opinion , start being titilating!!!
Be a "shaukeen"!! Pet some of those innocent ,ingenuous shauks.
They make u feel confident in those Bad days ,
become a friend when u need to share your secret with,
be joyous with in your triumphs.
They prevent those aberations off your focus!!!!!!!
help u in any of the ways.

It thus becomes really important to live a learner's life.
Words like Passion, desires ,ambitions should hold the first priority in a shepherd's life.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

WHeRe To gO?????!!!!!!!!

hi guys!! this time the topic was WHITE IS BAD AND BLACK IS GOOD really something very onerous!!!!and i think wat i have written is really abstruce... i m doubtful ull get it or not!!! still, do dare to read and COMMENT!!!!:P

Yore since the apes got intelligent enough to name the hues, its being advocated that "white is puritan and black the bon viveur evil".There have been uncountable thesis , antithesis ,synthesis for this thesis!!!whether religious,scientific, psychological,social or more.
Its 2010 now!!Kalyug at its shabab and even its yugis-yogis,practicing the anti-thesis to the thesis."BLACK is good and WHITE is bad", is now on the placard !!!!
I can be sadistically mean,get bribed(bribe), a sexy baba or an Icchadhari, a thief , a murderer, a rapist!!!all under the aegis of BLACK.Not even my shadows can victimize me !!! Thats the beauty of the black!! It allows no color to get into it!!Its me , me & only me everywhere,allover.Stainless !!chaste!!No regrets in losing virginity.BLACK would savour it all!!I trust it blind-foldingly .Paint it BLACK, else you won't survive.
Oh!!!my!!BLACK is good !BLACK is good!
Affably affable!

And that snobbish WHITE. Oh!you just stay away from me. Its so bright all around. Absorb all the shades.You are red- handing! Didacting to draw those moral whiskers . Taking me down on a peg or two . Make me eat crows for those peccadilloes .Feeling the pangs of conscience, i am packed with regrets, remorse, contritions.
Oh!!white you are so cold -hearted .
You call my deeds , my sins.
Guffaw , on your triumph over me. Leaving me prostate.Dishvelled!!

Takes me over!! .
Gave my soul a chance to reincarnate.Its been always upto me,i want to become blase' over it or call it an opportunity.
Get under its umbrella or still follow the same colorless BLACK.
Its upto me to go with the bright pole star in the full moon BLACK night or just wander about in darkness!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

MY Dear customer!!!!!

This time the topic was on a more serious note.Less imagining and more reporting!!!What does a customer means to you???So here is it!!!

Its showtime now!A bit serious.
"CUSTOMER",the second most beautiful word for a manager, next to his or her spouse."In customer service" , is your status.
And "Customer Service", is just like being effusive with your partner after being JUST MARRIED ! At times it gets even more crucial than that . Making the person contented at any cost.You can't be snappy.Can't even retort. Always have a thanking smile even if he kicks your ass off!!!!!!!
Churn the wheels of your mind , to think for ways to attract him ,grab him.
Be a gimcrack and coxcomb .
COME ONE COME ALL!!!!!!!offer unlimited!! limited !!Hurry up!!
Guaranties !!Warranty!! Schemes!! Quality!! Brand!! Brand ambassadors!! Creativity! Risks !and some more unending jargons.Phew.... as i said it never ends up here.
The aftermath services, feedbacks, punch backs, kickbacks and do whatever you want but be our customer. Forever & ever. Be contented, be happy.
We can even try free spas or free nannies for their homes these days!!!!
And after grabbing one, you need to maintain him.
Ergo, the aftermath services are in position, next to advertising .
Just like maintaining the compatibility with your partner. Making it forever .Keep it fresh . Be anti-aging .Yes, even you are beautiful
(the customer). A win-win situation for all .U , me aur hum!!!!!
And that is how it goes and it should go.
Without a customer an institution is nothing .You have to have to be attractive , caring , matey!!!
Alacricity in feedbacks. Flexible enough to ameliorate .
Be an apprentice , effervescent and insatiable for new ideas & bon -homeian to think those.
Don't serve but love your CUSTOMER.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Time and tide will wait for me!!!!!!!!!

It is not that difficult for me to contemplate upon "which super power?"
I have always wished for it since my childhood.For my kind of every work-shy ,indolent , lethargic soul would have wished the same.

Give a break to his relentless pace.
Take him to a lull with me.
Take him to the bright blue sea shores, lively green river banks, secluded furtive moors,
whispering snow white mountains,
lurid sunset points.
Make love with the hues of the rainbow.
Sigh in relief!Stop! its cacophony of ticks.
Listen to the aubade of birds .The chortle of children!their innocence.
To the joy of the winners , to the snivels of the failure.
To the poor ,to the rich.
For a while , be a follower and not a ruler.
Break loose, and look back at his own creations.

I s he not tired of his pace? frustrated of the monotinicity?of the counts?of the wins?of the snides?of his inscrutability?of his impeccability?

To be true, his repo is all feign.They (the punctuals) are just afraid of him.The perfect followers!!!!!! Feeling beleagured!!! didacted!!!!!!

I know he is precious , priceless ,immortal , flawless , thoughtful , resorting.

I want him to be less a snobbish ,more an amiable.Temporize his desperate attitude . Just for a while !!!lessen his importance.
Be a little chirpy, cherubic ,peccadillous , little anodyne and formost enjoy his tenor of immortality.
Oh!!! TIME !!!!! JUST STOP FOR A WHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!